Top 10 Tarot Love Spreads to Spread the Love

Top 10 Tarot Love Spreads to Spread the Love

Tarot is an art form that, for centuries, has been used to navigate life’s complexities and seek clarity in a clouded world. One of the most common inquiries in tarot reading revolves around love and relationships. Love, being a universal language and a central part of human experience, is a domain where guidance is often sought. There are numerous tarot spreads for love readings, each with its unique perspective and guidance. Here, we will introduce you to 10 insightful Tarot Love Spreads to help you spread the love.

1. The Relationship Cross Spread

The Relationship Cross Spread is a five-card spread that focuses on the dynamics between you and your partner.

Card 1 represents you and your current feelings.

Card 2 represents your partner and their current feelings.

Card 3, laid across the first two cards, symbolizes the relationship itself, acting as the bridge or the challenge between the two individuals.

Card 4 represents the strengths of the relationship, while Card 5 points out the potential weaknesses or areas that need improvement.

This spread provides a snapshot of the current state of your relationship and can reveal hidden dynamics affecting it.

2. The Love Dove Spread

The Love Dove Spread is a nine-card spread that provides comprehensive insight into your romantic situation. It covers everything from your desires to the outcome of your relationship.

The first card represents your heart's current state. The second card represents what you want most out of your relationship. The third card is what your partner most desires.

Card 4 reveals your hidden, subconscious desires about the relationship. Card 5, on the other hand, represents your partner's subconscious desires.

Card 6 symbolizes the past influences on your relationship. Card 7 denotes the present situation, while Card 8 signifies the likely future trajectory based on current circumstances.

Finally, Card 9 summarizes the potential outcome of your relationship. It's the sum of all the energies represented by the previous cards.

3.The Soulmate Spread

The Soulmate Spread is a seven-card layout that seeks to explore the deep connections between you and your potential soulmate.

Card 1 represents you, your qualities, and how you perceive yourself in love. Card 2 symbolizes your behaviors in relationships, your strengths, and areas needing growth.

Card 3 represents your potential soulmate's characteristics, while Card 4 signifies their behaviors in relationships.

Card 5 reveals the compatibility between you and your potential soulmate. Card 6 provides insight into how the relationship could evolve over time.

Finally, Card 7 gives guidance or advice for the potential relationship.

4.The Relationship Mirror Spread

The Relationship Mirror Spread is a six-card spread that offers a deep reflection of your relationship.

Cards 1 and 2 represent you and your partner's present feelings, respectively. Cards 3 and 4 mirror each other, reflecting your perceptions about your partner and vice versa.

Cards 5 and 6 also mirror each other, revealing how you see the relationship versus how your partner sees it.

This spread encourages empathy and understanding by allowing you to view the relationship from your partner's perspective.

5.The Heart of the Matter Spread

The Heart of the Matter Spread is a seven-card layout that cuts to the core of your love issues.

Card 1, placed at the center, represents the heart of the matter, the main issue or question. Card 2, laid to the left, represents your past experiences and their impact on the situation.

Card 3, on the right, reveals your future prospects. Card 4, below, symbolizes what is grounding or hindering you.

Card 5, above, signifies what is consciously influencing you. Card 6, to the lower right, points out your subconscious influences.

Finally, Card 7, to the upper right, gives the potential outcome or resolution of your issue. This spread is perfect for gaining clarity on specific issues in your love life.

6.The Twin Flame Spread

The Twin Flame Spread is a powerful eleven-card spread that dives deep into the profound connection that is a twin flame relationship.

Card 1 represents you, your energy, and your perception of the relationship. Card 2 represents your twin flame and their perception. Card 3 symbolizes the shared energy or connection between you two.

Cards 4 and 5 represent what each of you brings to the relationship, while Cards 6 and 7 depict what each of you learns from the other.

Card 8 reveals the current status of your relationship. Card 9 symbolizes the spiritual purpose of your connection. Card 10 signifies the potential outcome of your relationship.

Finally, Card 11 provides an overall spiritual lesson from this relationship. This spread can illuminate the complexities of a twin flame relationship and guide your path forward.

7.The Relationship Evolution Spread

The Relationship Evolution Spread is an eight-card spread that explores the potential growth and evolution of your relationship.

Card 1 represents you, and Card 2 represents your partner. Card 3 symbolizes the current 

state of your relationship, while Card 4 reveals the underlying foundations of your bond.

Card 5 and Card 6, placed vertically next to each other, represent the steps each of you needs to take for the relationship to evolve. This could involve personal growth, understanding, or compromise.

Card 7, laid horizontally across Cards 5 and 6, represents the shared steps or changes you both need to undertake for the relationship to grow.

Finally, Card 8 depicts the potential evolution or future of your relationship. This spread is ideal for those looking to understand how their relationship can develop and mature over time.

8.The Love Potential Spread

The Love Potential Spread is a simple yet effective three-card spread that is perfect for a quick overview of a budding relationship.

Card 1 represents you and your emotional state regarding this new relationship. Card 2 represents the other person and their feelings towards you. Finally, Card 3 symbolizes the potential of this relationship.

The simplicity of this spread makes it a perfect starting point for beginners or a quick check-in for more experienced readers. It can help you understand if a relationship is worth pursuing or if you should move on to something more promising.

9.The Celtic Cross Love Spread

The Celtic Cross Love Spread is a version of the classic Celtic Cross Spread, tweaked to focus on love and relationships. This ten-card spread provides comprehensive insight into your love life.

Card 1 represents the present situation or issue at hand. Card 2, placed across Card 1, symbolizes the immediate challenge or obstacle you're facing. Card 3, placed above, represents the ideal outcome or goal.

Card 4, placed below, signifies the foundational energy of your situation. Card 5, to the left, symbolizes your past, and Card 6, to the right, signifies the future or upcoming influences.

Card 7, the first of the vertical staff on the right, represents your feelings and attitudes about the situation. Card 8, next in the staff, symbolizes external influences or people around you. Card 9 represents your hopes and fears, and finally, Card 10 depicts the most likely outcome.

The Celtic Cross Love Spread is excellent for a detailed and thorough love reading. It can help uncover the depths of your situation and provide clear guidance.

10.The Blissful Love Spread

The Blissful Love Spread is a six-card layout that can help you find your way to blissful love. This spread focuses on revealing the path to happiness and fulfillment in your love life.

Card 1 represents your current state in love. Card 2 reveals your desires or what you're seeking in a relationship. Card 3 symbolizes the actions you need to take to achieve blissful love.

Card 4 represents the obstacles or challenges on your path. Card 5 symbolizes the help or resources available to you. Finally, Card 6 depicts the potential outcome if you follow the guidance provided by the spread.

The Blissful Love Spread is ideal for those seeking to transform their love life and find true happiness in a relationship.

In conclusion, these tarot love spreads offer a diverse range of perspectives and insights into the complex world of love and relationships. From understanding the dynamics of your current relationship to exploring the potential of a new love, these spreads can provide the guidance you need. Remember, the tarot is a tool for self-discovery and guidance. The ultimate power to shape and influence your love life lies within you.

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